Thursday, May 6, 2010

Help Navigating Through Health Concerns

This is a testimonial by a friend of my sister-in-law. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Best Doctors -

After years of running into dead ends and hearing “there’s nothing we can do” with regards to my daughter’s condition, I called Best Doctors in Canada. The person who answered the phone identified herself as a nurse, she wasn’t just a receptionist or answering service, or the dreaded recording saying “press 1 for…”. After about an hour of conversation she said someone would get back to me in about a week to 10 days. The very next day I got a call from my assigned case worker who gave me a list of names of doctors in my area she found on the internet and that she would be sending me a list of doctors from their database. The following week I received a nice, bound portfolio of the Best Doctors recommended doctors. I sent the doctors’ requested referrals and within a week I received a call from one of the doctors (who practices at the other end of the country). We spoke at great length about my daughter’s condition and he offered several options to suggest to our family doctor. He also took it upon himself to forward her case to a surgical specialist colleague who we arranged to see within two weeks!!! We haven’t reached the end of our journey to wellness yet but at least we again have forward motion.

I would recommend Best Doctors to anyone who has the service available to them. I only had to tell our “story” once, to that first person who answered the phone. Best Doctors truly cares about their “patients” and they have been in contact me with regard to how things are going and to say they are there if I wish to extend my search for the “Best Doctor” for our situation. If you have it, use it!

Best Doctors -

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